Terms and Conditions

1. Validity and changes of the GTC:

These General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”) apply in their respective version to all services of Agoratech and regulate the contractual relationship between the customer and Agoratech.

1.1. Defining Vocabulary in these Terms and Conditions:

“We,” “us,” or “Agoratech” are always in reference to Agoratech UG (Teiltriescherstr. 6a, 34128 Kassel, Germany, https://www.agoratech.de).

Terms such as “our” are also in reference to properties, services, or features belonging to Agoratech.

“Services” refers to any applications, software, products, websites, or related services provided by Agoratech.

“Subscriber” is always a customer of Agoratech’s services who has provided details and agreed to a contract for one of our services (either paid or unpaid).

“User” means any user of our Services. This includes Subscribers, potential customers of Subscribers, and visitors to our websites who engage with any of our websites’ contents.

The AmpiGrid Portal (https://www.ampigrid.de) is a web platform owned by Agoratech. The platform provides access to generating, sending and receiving electronic invoices.

Terms and Conditions of our Services will be collectively referred to as the “Terms.”

All information, data, logos, marks, designs, graphics, pictures, sound files, other files, and their selection and arrangement in the Services will collectively, hereafter, be referred to as “Content.”

1.2. Who These Terms and Conditions Apply To

By registering for our services and/or using our product(s), including the AmpiGrid Portal – as well as any of the services provided by AgoraTech – you are automatically subject to the terms set out in this document.

You will also be subject to any terms specifically outlined for whichever other Services you use in conjunction with such Services.

*Any individual agreement or special terms that may have been established in your unique case – usually (not necessarily always) when subscribing to our “Enterprise” plan – shall always prevail upon these Terms and Conditions.*

1.3. Who Can Use Our Services:

Agoratech offers its Services only to such Subscribers who qualify as “Entrepreneurs.”

If you qualify as a “Consumer” under applicable consumer protection legislation, you may NOT become a Subscriber to our services.

By using the Services, the Subscribers represent and warrant that they are not consumers. While certain Services are available to Users other than Subscribers, such Users are not customers of Agoratech and Agoratech has, accordingly, no liability towards such Users.

By registering as a User and using Invoice Portal services, you accept these Terms completely and unconditionally.

1.4. Potential Changes to these Terms and Conditions

Although a rare occurrence, we reserve the right to change or modify these Terms at any time.

We may do this by publishing new versions on the Ampigrid website, by updating existing versions on the Ampigrid website, or by notifying you via email/other communication methods.

Unless otherwise specified, the updated version will become effective by the date stated on the website. You are advised to check these terms periodically for notices concerning revisions.

1.5. Term and termination

The contract is concluded for an indefinite period, but at least for a period of 12 months. After expiry of the agreed minimum term, the contract may be terminated in writing by either party with six weeks’ notice to the end of the respective contract term. If the contract is not terminated in due time, the contract term shall be extended by a further 12 months in each case. In order for you terminate your use of the Services, you must first pay the fees applicable for the balance of the then current billing period. Agoratech will provide no refunds when you terminate your use of the Services even when you terminate your use of the Services with immediate effect during an already paid billing period.

Agoratech also reserves the right to terminate an Account or restrict its functionalities without prior notice to the User whenever Agoratech suspects or confirms that the Account is being used for illegal purposes or in breach of the contract between the User and Agoratech.

2. Registration Data and Account Security

By registering for the Ampigrid, you automatically agree to:

1) Provide accurate, current and complete information. Access codes may not be disclosed to third parties. The Subscriber shall carefully protect all access codes for the use of services of Agoratech from the knowledge of third parties. (referred to as “Registration Data”);

2) Maintain the security of your own password (we are not liable for this);

3) Maintain and promptly update the Registration Data, as well as any other information you provide to Agoratech, ensuring that it is accurate, current, and complete;

4) Accept the risks involved in sharing your Registration Data, and any other information you use to sign up to Agoratech Services, with unauthorised personnel. You/your company are solely responsible for all activity on your Invoice Portal account, and therefore liable to pay for all charges incurred by your AmiGrid Portal account.